Friday, February 7, 2014

Just a Little Update!

This week has zipped by once again and I realized that I've been here for 26 days. 26 DAYS out of 126. I'm already 1/5 of the way done with this amazing adventure. That is totally insane to me. The concept of time, like I've indicated on my other posts, is so crazy to me. I feel like I've known some of these people my whole life, and we haven't even been here for a month! Holy craziness. 

So, going along with my carpe diem philosophy this week, I booked TWO more trips. My spring break is officially booked! Here's what my next few months look like:

Feb. 8th: Glendalough/Wicklow Mountains/Powerscourt side note: When my family travelled to Ireland in 2005 with our good family friends, The Heegs, we were unable to make it to Powerscourt. We got totally lost and couldn't to find one another on the road. We made it to the gates, but did not get to go inside. So I will proudly represent our little family tomorrow :]. A journey 9 years in the making.
Feb. 14th-16th: CORK. To be honest, I have no idea what we are doing in Cork, but I've heard nothing but wonderful things about it. I'm thinking we are going to kiss the Blarney Stone (my second time - wahoooo!!!) but other than that, I'm not sure. Stay tuned.
Feb 28th- Mar. 4th: EMILY IS COMING TO VISIT. She is one of my best friends from high school and is currently studying abroad in Madrid, Spain. I can't wait! I'm so happy someone from home can celebrate my 20th birthday with me (20?! How weird is that? I feel old)! I already have a list of fun things we can do here in Dublin.
Mar. 6th-11th: Belgium and Amsterdam! To kick off our Spring Break, I am heading off with my friend, Brittany and her roommates. It will be amazing.
Mar. 13th-16th: It's my turn to visit Emily and my good friend Kate! I will be Spain-bound! I will definitely need to brush up on my Espanol.
Mar. 18th-23rd: My roommate, Ellie, and I are going to Warsaw, Krakow, Auschwitz, and Prague. We have a very strategic itinerary that is currently in the making. It's going to be a blast!
April 4th-6th: Weekend trip to Kerry! Again, not sure of the entire agenda, but we will be going to the Ring of Kerry! 
April 18th-21st: ROMA with Emily! We are celebrating Easter weekend in Vatican city, and hope to attend mass Pope Francis (how cool would that be?!).

And that's what I have booked for now! If anyone has any suggestions please let me know! I'm still looking! I definitely need to go to Galway, not only for my own personal interest, but if I didn't I'm pretty sure my sister, Colleen would kill me (she studied abroad there last spring). I also want to go to Kilkenny and possibly Derry! As for International travels, I am hitting A LOT of the places I wanted to go. If time (and money) allows, I would love to go to Portugal and Germany. I would also love love LOVE to be able to go back to London and Paris, but since I was a lucky child, and I've been to both those places before, I'm not sure I can swing it :/ womp womp. Only time will tell! Depending on my exam schedule, I hope to book a few more trips before I leave on May 19th. However, the exam schedule doesn't come out until March or April (ugh), so I can't book anything between May 6th and 17th yet. But, if it just so happens that I only make it to the above places, I would still be travelling and experiencing more than I ever thought possible!

I am one blessed lady! Not only because of the opportunities I get to have here, but because of my family, friends, and supporters who are here for me every day. I can't tell you how much the quick messages, snapchats, facebook wall posts, and skype sessions mean to me. I'm so happy to see how well everyone is doing back in the 414. Although I miss it more than anything, I will be back before I know it and I will be missing this place (have I mentioned how fast the time is flying?). So please keep it up! 

Some more things that have been going on this week: 

1. I'm still sick! Ugh, I guess I underestimated the power of this bad boy. I totally thought I was 100% better and as of yesterday morning, I am on a bit of a downward spiral in terms of health. I woke up Thursday morning with an awful headache, one that lasted all day and prevented me from falling asleep for hours and hours last night. I woke up this morning for my class with a slightly smaller head throb, but the sucker is still there! What a stinker. However, my mom just messaged me saying my sweet Nana wasn't feeling great. So please feel better Nana! I love you more than words can express!

2. I miss babies! Hahah that sounds a little weird so let me explain: Last semester, I probably spent just as much time with little ones than I did with adults or those my own age. Between working at the Marquette Daycare center, babysitting a few times a month, tutoring kindergarteners, and doing my first round of student observations, I was often with kids. When I tell people I want to teach the younger grades, I often get the response: Wow I have no idea how you could do that, I can't stand kids. But I honestly couldn't imagine pursuing any other career path. So, coming from that to here with absolutely no interaction with little ones has been sad! Maybe I will look into babysitting jobs around here to get my baby fix. So if you know anyone in Dublin looking for a part time babysitter, please give them my name :]. 

3. My walls are empty! I went into Ellie's room the other day, and her walls are FULL of pictures. Since pictures are probably some of my most precious belongings, I may need to make a stop at the photo hut next time I am out. The room could definitely use a little something special.

Well, that's all for now! I will try to update you guys by the end of weekend and show you my trip to Wicklow and Powerscourt! I think I am off to try to take a nap. Wish me luck for a peaceful sleep! 

Much love!

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