Tuesday, May 21, 2019


Everybody likes a good quote right? I know I do.I’ve always been a big fan of inspirational quotesand cliches. Things that I wholeheartedly felt I related to at the time. Maybe it was a song lyric, a bumper sticker, something someone shared on Instagram, etc.

 This one seems to ring true every May: “How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.”

 Yes, it’s from Winnie the Pooh, and yes I probably searched “sentimental goodbye quotes” one day and stumbled upon it. The truth of it hasn’t worn off. This past year brought a lot of changes. Doesn’t every year? But the magnitude of changes seem to hit mehard around this time. 

Maybe it’s because I got involved in theater again. I helped with a school production with some other wonderful people, and I had more fun than I ever imagined that I would. Seeing the kids progress, become more comfortable in their roles, and grow closer as a cast truly warmed my heart and took me back to my high school theater days. Or maybe it’s seeing all of the college graduation caps and immediately taking myself back to that day, with the bittersweet reminder that my life will never be that carefree. Or is it that school is almost out and I’m sad to notsee those sweet kiddos for a few months.

And this isn’t to bum anyone out (although I am taking suggestions for a good tearjerker), but it’s important to reflect on why I feel the way that I do. As hard as it is to close the door on those parts of life, I have to believe that other doors will open soon. Feeling this way, as sad as it feels currently, is actually a good thing because I would feel differently having no involvement at all. Each experience shapes us as people, sometimes for better, sometimes not. But I’d like to believe that at the end of the day, we grow. 

So cherish those moments with the people you love. Share your passions, laugh with old friends, watch home videos, smile a little more and remember that each day, in its own way, is a gift. The “see you laters” will turn into new “hellos” soon enough. 

I’m thankful for the start of all adventures.

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