Sunday, May 18, 2014

It's not goodbye, it's see you later

So sorry I haven't had the chance to blog for the past six weeks. We all know how crazy the end of the year gets but I can tell you that I had three more amazing trips: Kerry, Rome, and Edinburgh. Maybe I will blog about them when I get home but for now, a recap of my abroad experience.

I'm at the airport now, having arrived super early (never hurts right?). I cannot fathom how quickly this semester has past and how absolutely incredible it was. A year ago if someone had told me that I'd spend the second half of my sophomore year in Dublin, Ireland, I never would have believed it. Colleen came back last spring from her study abroad experience in Galway and the first thing she said to me was "You don't have a choice, you ARE studying abroad". Yet for some reason, I was hesitant.

I'd never been that far away from my family before. When I explained to my mom my concerns about being far away I said "You know how I'm kind of a homebody?" and she said "No?" Typical that she knows me better than I know myself. It's true that I like to be close to my family and loved ones as much as I can. Yet something inside of me knew that I owed this to myself.

My application was not completed until about two days before the deadline, so it was sort of a rushed decision. I was told that the program at UCD was pretty competitive and that I should have a backup. I knew that I really wanted to go to Dublin. I worked hard on my personal statement, and knew in my heart that this was the place that I belonged.

Soon enough, my acceptance was announced and it still didn't seem real. Marquette had been my home for the past year and a half and I loved it. How could I leave? I have so many amazing and incredible people at home. But the looks on their faces were nothing but excitement for me and my experience. Somehow they knew going abroad was going to change me for the better.

In the days leading up to my departure, I was incredibly nervous. It was still unreal to me. Yet the night before I left, I had an overwhelming sense of calmness. Somehow I knew that everything was going to work out. I remember writing in my journal on the plane ride there that I hoped that this experience would help me gain a greater appreciation for life. Little did I know...

After 18 weeks in this incredible country, I have learned so much about myself, others, and the world. Taking this experience and using it to challenge yourself to take advantage of new experiences is only the root of studying abroad. It's one of those things where you probably won't understand it entirely unless you've experienced it. This will always be one of the greatest joys of my life.

I want to thank so many people for their unconditional support. Your kind words, prayers, and love have sent me so far. I couldn't have done it without you. As hard as it is for me to leave, you all make it so easy to want to come home. I am so blessed and have so much to look forward to this summer. I get to celebrate with my newly college graduated sister (YAY COLL I'M SO PROUD OF YOU), I get to see my family and friends, and welcome a new member to our clan at my brother's wedding. There is so much to be thankful for.

Though I'll miss this experience more than anything when I'm home, I know that only signifies just how special these four months were. I challenged myself in so many ways and saw each day as a blessing. Though I was 3000 miles away, you all kept in touch and I can't even express how much that meant to me. So thank you thank you thank you! Saying goodbye to my UCD friends was incredibly difficult. Yet, I'm not worried that we won't stay in touch. We kept saying "It's not goodbye, it's see you later" As cheesy as that sounds, it's true. I know that I've made lifelong friends that will forever hold a special place in my heart. So thank you to those of who who made my abroad experience what it was. Slainte!

Well I'm about to go to my gate, but I just wanted to take a few minutes to say thank you. I can't wait to see everyone this summer. I'm ready to continue my journey through this crazy thing that we call life. And I couldn't be happier about it. So here's to you, Dublin. Thank you for everything.

Onward and Upward!

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