Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Another Eventful Day!

Last night was a great time! Although, I was a little sad because it was one of my best friends, Emily's birthday back in Milwaukee. Wish I could have been there, but I'm sure all of you had a great time celebrating Cakes' big 2-0. We'll have to celebrate when I get back! Ellie and her friend Claire and I went out to dinner at a 50's style diner.We thought that if we started walking along the road, a restaurant would pop up eventually. After walking about 30 minutes up the road, we couldn't find anything. All of the sudden, I turned my head, and saw a sign for the restaurant. If you've ever been hungry and exhausted, you can imagine our joy in finding the restaurant. Definitely a great choice for dinner.

After dinner, we walked back to UCD, and met up with Paige to go out into the city.  From there, we met up with Paige's boyfriend and his roommates at a pub for a short amount of time and then hung out in their apartment (they live right in the city!). Claire was even able to get a free beer from the bartender simply by telling him that it was her first night in Dublin and she was only here for 10 days. I'll have to learn a few of her tricks before she leaves ;). Overall, it was a really great time! Here's a picture of the three of us from last night! 


Since I've arrived, my sleeping has been very off. I fell asleep around 2 AM and woke up at 6 AM unable to fall back asleep, despite how many times I tried. Hopefully it will get better soon. At 10:15, Paige, Abby, and I were out the door and on our way to a free shuttle to take us to ikea. I have never been to ikea in my life, so I really wasn't sure what to expect. Little did I know it's part Home Depot, part Sam's Club, and Target all in one HUGE warehouse. It was definitely an interesting experience. We were able to get the plates, cups, bowls, tupperware, and the rest of items we needed for our apartment. It's really coming together! And obviously I needed to buy a scented candle, my favorite thing in the world (I just lit it and I have to admit, it smells amazing!). We were there for THREE hours. I was exhausted and totally fell asleep for the 30 minute bus ride home.

When we got back on campus, we only had a few minutes to put all our new items away and then it was off to orientation! All of the study abroad students met in a big lecture hall. We heard from various deans and advisers, who were all super friendly and funny. They ultimately told us to really soak up the time we have here, because it goes by so fast! I already feel this semester flying by. After the presentation, we all went to a student fair and were able to sign up for excursions or various groups that provide many outings for low prices. I signed up for both groups, and I really look forward to the experiences I will have through them in the future.

Now we are finally back in our apartment and waiting until 7, when we have to go to a training session on how to handle the gym equipment at the sports center. I'm SO happy we have a gym that is free to students. I was a little worried about how I would get to exercise since I'm a horrible runner (ask anyone who has ever tried to run with me, it turns into more of a scenic power walk). Not sure how the rest of the night will shape up. Hopefully I can get some good sleep. We have our own program orientations tomorrow. My major here is arts and Celtic studies, which sounds super cool in my head hahah. I'm not sure how I feel about actually having to go to classes.... I just want to pretend I am on vacation for four months, but somehow I will find the motivation to keep up with my studies (I promise I will, Mom and Dad). 

One more thing! I know I've already posted about this on facebook, but a family that I nannied for this past summer, The Ziebell family, is in need of a few prayers and well wishes. Owen (5) is currently at Children's Hospital in Wauwatosa, where they are attempting to cause seizures, as he is diagnosed with Epilepsy. The doctors are trying to see if there is a way to remove these parts of his brain to give him a seizure free life. If that wasn't enough for a family to handle, Owen's mom, Alison recently found out that she has a grade II brain tumor. Although it isn't cancerous, it isn't benign either. This means they need to try to shrink it through radiation. This week is especially tough, as Alison has to attend many doctor appointments at Froedert hospital discussing her radiation treatments while also being there for Owen. She is remaining SO strong and positive and has taught me so much about the importance of life in this past month. Jamie and Alison are handling this, along with raising two young boys, with such grace, humility, and dignity. Here's a link to Alison's blog, as well as a fundraiser going towards their medical bills.

The Ziebells were also recently on the news! If you'd like to see the clip, here's the link:

In the very least, if you could keep them in your thoughts and pray for two healthy recoveries, I would really appreciate it! Thought I would post a few fun pictures of Owen and Jacob, his little brother, that I took when we went to Monkey Joe's a few weeks ago:

They are just the cutest!

Well, that's it for now! Wish that I could be in two places at once (Missing marquette and everyone there), but I know that I'm here for four wonderful months, and it's up to me to make the most of it! Love you guys! Thanks for reading, I've learned that I LOVE to blog. Gives me comfort to know that everyone at home can know what I'm up to :]. 


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