Tuesday, January 21, 2014

First Few Days of Classes!

Yesterday was my first official day of class at UCD. I was TERRIFIED the night before and so I couldn't fall asleep until 4:30 AM. That was ROUGH. I had to wake up around 8:10 for my 9:00 class (ended up being cancelled) and it wasn't pretty. But I managed! I only have two lecture classes on Mondays, which are Irish Culture and Society and The Russian Revolution, and then I am done for the day at noon. It's the best! I was pretty intimidated by the size of my Irish Culture and Society class, because it was a huge lecture hall with probably 200 or 300 seats and I am used to a class size of about 30 at Marquette. It's just something to which I will have to adjust. After classes, I hung out at home because I was exhausted and eventually Ellie, Claire, Abby, our Australian friend Liv and I went to Ellie and Claire's good friends' house, who were having a party. Here, they call the first day of classes Black Monday and it's a big party day. People either have house parties or head to the bars. We had a really fun time meeting a bunch of new people! Thank you to Maeve, Eve, Dara, Rachel and Camille for hosting us! When I got home, I watched a show called We Can Be Heroes. To anyone who loved Summer Heights High, you should definitely watch it. It's another hilarious Chris Lilley show, and I had no idea what it was until Liv talked about it. I'm definitely hooked.

I also booked my first trip to Madrid over my spring break!!!! I'm going to visit my good friends, Emily and Kate. I am so so so excited to see them both and see ESPANA! Emily and I also have a trip planned for the Vatican this easter so that's something else for which to look forward! I'm also talking to my cousin Sarah about a trip to Germany in April. There are a lot of good things headed my way, and I continue to look forward to embracing whatever comes my way.

Today I overslept and busted out the door just in time for my 9 AM. This was my Russian Revolution Seminar, which is basically a few people from the larger lecture where you discuss readings. I was pretty out of it and took a much needed nap when I got back from class. My regular 10 AM did not meet this week, as it is another seminar for my Irish Culture and Society class that meets every other week. I slept from about 11 until around 1:20. I felt much better and energized for my 2 PM lecture class of Men in Contemporary Society. I think the second day went smoother than the first because I had more of a feel of where I was going. The scheduling here is a lot different than what it is at Marquette. You don't have your Monday Wednesday Friday schedule and then a Tuesday Thursday schedule. Each class is 50 minutes and meets two or three times a week. Unfortunately I have class every day of the week. I'm bummed that I don't have off a day during the week, but it's just the way my schedule worked. I'm taking kind of random classes here that count towards requirements of Education or Sociology at Marquette. I'm really hoping they won't be too difficult, and that I can pass and get the transfer credits without any trouble. I just need a C to pass the class and then only the credits transfer over to Marquette. That takes some of the pressure off, but it is still scary to be in a place where I have no idea how difficult it can be. Hopefully I will do well here!

I can't believe how often I've been homesick. I know that it's only been a week and I have no reason to be sad, I'm in a beautiful city with great people, but I get sad to see everyone's semester continue and not be able to contribute to it. I was messaging my sister, Colleen, last night, and I told her how sometimes I feel so strong and confident here, and other times I'm scared to skype because I fear that the second I see my family members, I will start to sob. I get really emotional just thinking about it. If anyone has any tips on this, please let me know! I have such great respect for those who choose to go to school far away and are unable to see their loved ones for months and months at a time. It isn't like I go home all the time at Marquette, but I probably see my family at least every two or three weeks. It kills me to think that I won't see any of my loved ones until May. I know this semester will fly by and I will miss Dublin more than anything when I'm back home, but I wish I could have packed you all in my suitcase with me to whisper words of encouragement in my ear as I walked into my first class, or make me laugh after getting off the bus with the crabby busdriver. I'm really happy Emily and Kate are studying abroad in Europe as well and I am able to see them a few times over the semester to provide me with the comfort of home.

I'm confident that I will be happier and stronger from this experience! To quote Les Mis "Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise". Well, I'm off to watch a few more episodes of We Can Be Heroes and get some good sleep before another 9 AM class tomorrow morning. Boa Noite from Dublin!

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